近3年发表论文情况(*通讯作者) 1. 赵祖艳, 杨运南, 刘日亮, 张云龙, 胡浩, 郑卫江, 姚文, 乳果糖和凝结芽孢杆菌合生素对断奶仔猪生长性能、养分表观消化率和血液指标的影响, 动物营养学报, 33 (2021) 3735-3744. 2. H. Guo, J. He, X. Yang, W. Zheng*, W. Yao*, Responses of intestinal morphology and function in offspring to heat stress in primiparous sows during late gestation, J Therm Biol, 89 (2020) 102539. 3. 张云龙, 郑卫江*, 姚文, 文冠果粕替代豆粕对21~42日龄肉鸡生长性能和盲肠菌群结构的影响, 动物营养学报, 32 (2020) 3624-3635. 4. 李琳倩, 张云龙, 刘日亮, 段文辉, 郑卫江*, 姚文, 中草药添加剂对后备母猪生长性能、发情率、血清指标和肠道微生物的影响, 动物营养学报, 32 (2020) 2586-2600. 5. X. Ji, Q. Zhang, W. Zheng*, W. Yao, Morphological and molecular response of small intestine to lactulose and hydrogen-rich water in female piglets fed Fusarium mycotoxins contaminated diet, J Anim Sci Biotechnol, 10 (2019) 9. 6. 张青, 计徐, 姚文, 郑卫江*, 乳果糖和富氢水对采食镰刀菌污染玉米的仔猪血液指标和肝脾形态的影响, 畜牧与兽医, 50 (2018) 56-64. 7. W. Zheng, X. Leng, M. Vinsky, C. Li, H. Jiang, Association of body weight gain with muscle, fat, and liver expression levels of growth hormone receptor, insulin-like growth factor I, and beta-adrenergic receptor mRNAs in steers, Domest Anim Endocrinol, 64 (2018) 31-37. 8. W. Zheng, X. Ji, Q. Zhang, W. Yao, Intestinal Microbiota Ecological Response to Oral Administrations of Hydrogen-Rich Water and Lactulose in Female Piglets Fed a Fusarium Toxin-Contaminated Diet, Toxins (Basel), 10 (2018). 9. W. Zheng, X. Ji, Q. Zhang, W. Du, Q. Wei, W. Yao, Hydrogen-Rich Water and Lactulose Protect Against Growth Suppression and Oxidative Stress in Female Piglets Fed Fusarium Toxins Contaminated Diets, Toxins (Basel), 10 (2018). 10. J. He, W. Zheng, C. Tao, H. Guo, Y. Xue, R. Zhao, W. Yao, Heat stress during late gestation disrupts maternal microbial transmission with altered offspring's gut microbial colonization and serum metabolites in a pig model, Environ Pollut, 266 (2020) 115111. 11. 张峰, 郑卫江, 姚文, 日粮铜水平对大鼠肠道和肝脏组织形态、铜离子代谢及氧化还原平衡的影响, williamhill中文官网学报, 43 (2020) 728-739. 12. F. Zhang, W. Zheng, Y. Xue, W. Yao, Suhuai suckling piglet hindgut microbiome-metabolome responses to different dietary copper levels, Appl Microbiol Biotechnol, 103 (2019) 853-868. 13. J. He, W. Zheng, M. Lu, X. Yang, Y. Xue, W. Yao, A controlled heat stress during late gestation affects thermoregulation, productive performance, and metabolite profiles of primiparous sow, J Therm Biol, 81 (2019) 33-40. 14. 张金飞, 郑卫江, 姚文, 深圳地区动物肉源沙门菌的分离鉴定及耐药性分析, 畜牧与兽医, 51 (2019) 49-55. 15. D. Jia, W. Zheng, H. Jiang, Growth hormone facilitates 5'-azacytidine-induced myogenic but inhibits 5'-azacytidine-induced adipogenic commitment in C3H10T1/2 mesenchymal stem cells, Growth Horm IGF Res, 40 (2018) 9-16. 16. 饶时庭, 郑卫江, 张峰, 姚文, 酵母培养物对苏淮哺乳仔猪生长性能、小肠形态及肠道菌群的影响, 畜牧与兽医, 50 (2018) 24-28. |