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来源: 威廉希尔williamhill 发布时间 : 2021-07-02 点击量:


























中国畜牧兽医学会动物遗传育种学分会、中国农业生物技术学会动物生物技术分会、中国马业协会等会员。担任《Animal Genetics》、《Frontiers  in Genetics》、《Gene》、《遗传》、《williamhill中文官网学报》和《畜牧与兽医》等杂志审稿人。




1.         Deng  S, Li D, Liu X, Cai Z, Wei S, Chen J, Zhang L*. Serum  metabolomic investigations of mulberry leaf powder supplementation in Chinese  Erhualian pigs. Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences. 2020, 29(2):132-142.

2.         Liu  X#, Wei S#, Deng S, Li D, Liu K, Shan B, Shao Y, Wei W,  Chen J, Zhang L*. Genome-wide identification and comparison  of mRNAs, lncRNAs and circRNAs in porcine intramuscular, subcutaneous,  retroperitoneal and mesenteric adipose tissues. Animal Genetics. 2019,  50(3):228-241.

3.         Wei  S, Li A, Zhang L*, Du M*. GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT  SYMPOSIUM: STEM AND PROGENITOR CELLS IN ANIMAL GROWTH: Long noncoding RNAs in  adipogenesis and adipose development of meat animals. Journal of Animal  Science. 2019, 97(6):2644-2657.

4.         Liu  X, Liu K, Shan B, Wei S, Li D, Han H, Wei W, Chen J, Liu H, Zhang L*.  A genome-wide landscape of mRNAs, lncRNAs, and circRNAs during subcutaneous  adipogenesis in pigs. Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology. 2018, 9:  76.

5.         Li  Q, Du X, Pan Z, Zhang L*, Li Q*. The  transcription factor SMAD4 and miR-10b contribute to E2 release and cell  apoptosis in ovarian granulosa cells by targeting CYP19A1. Molecular and  Cellular Endocrinology. 2018, 476: 84-95.

6.         Li  Z, Wei S, Li H, Wu K, Cai Z, Li D, Wei W, Li Q, Chen J, Liu H, Zhang L*.  Genome-wide genetic structure and differentially selected regions among Landrace,  Erhualian, and Meishan pigs using specific-locus amplified fragment  sequencing. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7(1):10063.

7.         Zhang  L*, Cai Y, Wei S, Ling Y, Zhu L, Li D, Cai Z*.  Testosterone deficiency induces changes of the transcriptomes of visceral adipose  tissue in miniature pigs fed a high-fat and high-cholesterol diet.  International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2016, 17, 2125.

8.         Zhang  L,  Du X, Wei S, Li D, Li Q*. A comprehensive transcriptomic view on  the role of SMAD4 gene by RNAi-mediated knockdown in porcine follicular  granulosa cells. Reproduction. 2016, 152(1):81-9.

9.         Wei  S, Du M, Jiang Z, Hausman GJ, Zhang L*, Dodson MV*.  Long noncoding RNAs in regulating adipogenesis: new RNAs shed lights on  obesity. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences. 2016, 73(10): 2079-2087.

10.     Zhang  L*, Zhou  X, Michal JJ, Ding B, Li R, Jiang Z*. Genome wide screening of  candidate genes for improving piglet birth weight using high and low  estimated breeding value populations. International Journal of Biological  Sciences. 2014, 10(3): 236-44.

11.     Cai Z#,  Zhang L#, Chen M, Jiang X, Xu N*. Castration-induced  changes in microRNA expression profiles in subcutaneous adipose tissue of  male pigs. Journal of Applied Genetics. 2014, 55(2): 259-66.

12.     Zhang  L,  Cai Z, Wei S, Zhou H, Zhou H, Jiang X, Xu N*. MicroRNA expression  profiling of the porcine developing hypothalamus and pituitary tissue.  International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2013, 14(10): 20326-20339.

13.     Wei S#,  Zhang L#, Zhou X, Du M, Jiang Z, Hausman GJ, Bergen WG, Zan  L*, Dodson MV*. Emerging roles of zinc finger proteins  in regulating adipogenesis. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences. 2013,  70(23): 4569-4584.

14.     Zhang  L,  Mousel MR, Wu X, Michal JJ, Zhou X, Ding B, Dodson MV, EI-Halawany N, Lewis  GS, Jiang Z*. Genome-wide genetic diversity and differentially  selected regions among Suffolk, Rambouillet, Columbia, Polypay, and Targhee  Sheep. PLoS ONE. 2013, 8(6): e65942.

15.     Zhang  L,  Michal JJ, O'Fallon JV, Pan Z, Gaskins CT, Reeves JJ, Busboom JR, Zhou X,  Ding B, Dodson MV, Jiang Z*. Quantitative genomics of 30 complex  phenotypes in Wagyu x Angus F1 progeny. International Journal of Biological  Sciences, 2012; 8(6): 838-858.

16.     李朝阳,罗武,杨凯,邵勇钢,翟曼君,董新星,韦伟,陈杰,张立凡*.猪唾液中DNA 的获取方法研究[J].畜牧与兽医,202153 (6) : 711

17.     罗武,李朝阳,叶南伟,刘宏程,邵勇钢,韦伟,陈杰,张立凡* ACSL1基因的生物信息学及其与脂肪性状的关联研究[J].畜牧与兽医,202052 ( 2) : 712.

18.     王圣楠,邵勇钢,卢元鹏,单保森,韦伟,陈杰,张立凡* 猪肉质性状评定方法及其研究进展[J].畜牧与兽医,202052 ( 1) : 148151.

19.     单保森, 刘鑫, 罗武, 邵勇钢, 韦伟, 陈杰, 张立凡*.  siRNA干扰CAT基因表达对猪皮下前体脂肪细胞分化的影响. 农业生物技术学报,2019, 27(4):  666-676.

20.     刘鑫,李振,邓世阳,顾岳清,黄媛,刘杨,李东锋,卢元鹏,韦伟,陈杰,张立凡* 二花脸猪种质特性的分子基础研究进展.畜牧与兽医,201648 (12) :  109-113.

21.     李振,刘杨,李东锋,韦伟,陈杰,张立凡*. 猪品种资源遗传基础挖掘的技术策略及其应用. 畜牧与兽医. 2015479):114-118.

22.     魏雨辰,杨凯,罗武,颜梦婷,韦伟,陈杰,张立凡*.  CIDEA基因上游调控区变异对猪肌内脂肪性状的影响研究. 第十七次全国畜禽遗传标记学术讨论会论文集,2020. 泰安.

23.     罗武,杨凯,罗武,颜梦婷,韦伟,陈杰,张立凡*.猪肌内脂肪含量相关重要基因的基因组挖掘与分析. 第十七次全国畜禽遗传标记学术讨论会论文集,2020. 泰安.

24.     单保森,颜梦婷,魏雨辰,罗武,韦伟,陈杰,张立凡*.  miR-218-5p 通过靶向ACSL1 基因调控猪皮下前体脂肪细胞分化. 第二十次全国动物遗传育种学术讨论会论文集,2019. 广州. P116

25.     Shiyang  Deng, Xin Liu, Shengjuan Wei, Wei Wei, Jie Chen, Honglin Liu, Lifan Zhang*.  GC-TOF-MS-based serum metabolomic investigations of mulberry leaf powder  supplementation in Chinese Erhualian pigs. 第十九次全国动物遗传育种学术讨论会论文集,2017. 南京. P130

26.     刘鑫,邓世阳,李振,李朝阳,单保森,韦伟,陈杰,刘红林,张立凡*.猪不同部位脂肪组织mRNAs lncRNAs circRNAs 的鉴定和比较研究. 第十九次全国动物遗传育种学术讨论会论文集,2017. 南京. P234.

27.     李振,魏胜娟,刘鑫,邓世阳,刘杨,韦伟,陈杰,刘红林,张立凡*. 基于猪SLAF-seq技术的长白猪、二花脸猪和梅山猪的遗传差异研究. 动物遗传育种研究最新进展-第十五次全国畜禽遗传标记学术研讨会论文集,2016. 广州. P151




